Monday, October 10, 2016

Entry 19

Despite the specter Olrik’s insistence of our departure, we consider exploring his cellar. But the stairs are blocked with rubble causing us to reconsider. We exit the ruins to confront the scarecrows gathered in the town square. Morthos advances first to gather them in a tighter grouping. ‘Fireballs’ cut their numbers in half. “Look east; something else advances!” It’s a walking treehouse with some white thing flying around it. Remembering the ravenkind (Murial Venshaw) spy’s words, we assume it's the hag Babalasaga inside her protective dragon skull animation.
        As she draws closer, she casts causing the ground around us to erupt with black tentacles that whip and snare us. We are distracted trying to free ourselves while also attacking her and her mobile-home. It is the elf Kassamir who is targeted by a small boulder thrown by the tree. Which encourages Domine to cast ‘Dispel Magic’ to remove the tangle of tentacles. But he fails. While most escape the entangling area, the elven caster falls from the tentacle wounds.
        At least the flying skull falls from all the ‘Fireballs’ cast its way. Which allows Morthos and Esmerelda to advance on the huge tree. And Domine to cast ‘Healing Word’ to revive Kassamir at a distance, while healing Morthos being pummeled by the tree. As Xoji advances on the down skull protecting the hag, Esmerelda scores multiple critical hits on the tree. Combined with Morthos’ deadly flanking (sneak attack), the tree soon falls as the hag is silenced with more ‘Fireballs’.
        We explore the downed tree-hut, freeing a score of ravens trapped inside two iron cages. The small room holds a table with stool, wardrobe closet, barrel chest and a baby bed aglow with green light emanating from the floorboard beneath it. Domine and the vestani Esmerelda fixate on the crib holding a small child with an angelic expression. The crib carved with the name “Strahd.” Domine lifts the babe only to see it fall back into the crib; scolded by the vestani for being so careless. But the cleric quickly reasons the crib and babe only a ‘Programmed Illusion’. Thus he taunts the woman, “The babe rejected me. He must want to suckle your teets.” Which earns the cleric a scowl. And backhand when he confesses the illusion.
        Meanwhile Morthos has pried up the floorboards finding the pinecone shaped gem we sought for the winemaker Davien. As for the chest, the rogue is cautious per the glyph warding till the cleric ‘Dispels the Magic’. Inside the chest we find gold coins, precious gems, and an assortment of magical items (vial, scrolls, sling bullets, haunting pipes, spell book, and a ‘Luck’ stone).
        Before we leave the ruins of the village, we pause at the monolith raised in the town square. The stone carved with the likeness of a child holding a rose. The child image the likeness of Irena. The inscription, “Marina, taken by the mist.” We cross the river to rest within the protective aura of the Stonehenge as we confer with Murial and attune to the magic items.
        Along the return to Kresk, we stop at Esmerelda’s tower beside the lake, finding Rictavio’s wagon parked before it. An angry vestani storms into her keep to confront the trespasser, but soon bursts into joy. The carnival ringmaster is none other than her vampire-hunting mentor Von Richten. [Great! Now we can let these two get about their business of dealing with Strahd as we gather the treasure we’ve collected, and await the fall of the mist that will allow us to return home. Oh. Never-mind. It doesn’t work that way.]
        We drive on to Kresk to deliver the wedding dress to the Abbott. Then off to the vineyard to return the pinecone gem to Davien. In the morning we travel the roads south into the mountains following Kassamir’s quest to seek clues of his sister. [It doesn’t hurt that the rumored book of Strahd is in the same direction.] The weather turns wintry, evident as we come upon a frozen river with icy cliffs. Across the snow-covered bridge, a high black-stoned wall blocks the path. Spikes line the walls discouraging climbing while demonic vultures rest atop the walls. A gate splits the wall but is blocked with a lowered portcullis and green flames.
        When Morthos approaches, the portcullis rises although the flames remain. He dashes thru the flames, patting out the smoldering fires on his clothing. “Nothing to it.” Domine reasons better as he approaches to cast ‘Dispel Magic’. With the bars raised and flames gone, Esmerelda drives her wagon thru the gate along with the other party members.
        Inside the gate, Morthos pauses before the door of the watch tower to the right of the road.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Entry 18

We stand on the bridge leading to the taller “heart” tower. Now 80 feet above the courtyard, dark clouds are punctuated by random lightning flashes as strong winds rip at our cloaks. With slick stones and strong crosswinds, we cross the rail-less bridge in pairs, when a cackle from behind proceeds the horizontal lightning flash that hits Kassimer, Domine, and Xoji. Dom casts “see Invisibility” to find Strahd the culprit…who backflips over the side before flapping away in bat form.

Once again we enter the “heart” tower having to deal with its throb that threatens footing and balance. We race to the top to get closest to the heart dealing arrows and fireballs at it. Another shutter has Domine and Xoji knocked prone sliding near the inner edge and 190 foot drop. Xoji regains his balance just in time to grab the cleric sliding over the edge, when 10 swords (once decorations on the walls) animate and attack…Xoji defenseless with his hands full till he plants Dom on his own feet.

More reinforcements as 4 bats arrive transforming into vampire spawn who attack. Fortune as Dom’s “Helm of Brilliance” hinders the vampires (Disadvantage and automatic Radiant damage). Kassimer casts fireball as the cleric plucks opals from his helm to cast his own fireballs. Soon the animated swords and vampires as destroyed, then the heart that explodes into crystal shards that rain down inside the tower. And that’s when a thunderous voice from beyond screams in anger.

The shaking has stopped allowing an easy climb to the top where we find a small room filled with a wood-framed bed, empty manacles hanging along the walls, and a ladder propped up leading to a trap door on the ceiling. As Morthos climbs the ladder he notes movement within the rafters…a child. Yet closer inspection reveals it made of leather painted like a jack-o-lantern, whirring sounds suggests gears drive the thing. It is the clockwork man (Piddlewick) we were told of by Blinski. Morthos grabs the “man” bringing it down. “Great, now all we need to find is the dragon skull.” And that’s when Piddlewick gestures for us to wind him up as he apparently can guide us to what we seek.

It’s a 190ft climb to the base of the heart tower to stairs that descend even further down. Passage to a long room with 4 alcoves covered in lichen. In one alcove, Morthos finds a loose flagstone with a sack of electrum coins beneath. Entering further into the long room we notice blades embedded in the walls, the hilts broken off, as if an explosion drove the blades into the walls.

A side-door opens to a 30x60ft room composed of nothing but bones (human, animal, unknown). Walls, ceiling, floor, table, chairs, even a bone chandelier. Yet there, above the steel-banded double-doors, hangs a large dragon skull. At last! It’s time to leave. Uneventful as we work our way out the castle and over the draw-bridge to Esmerelda’s waiting wagon for our ride to Vallaki. Except when we arrive we have send thoughts of giving the clockwork man to Blinski.

Come morning, we ride on south to the dragon house with Morthos leading us around the back to Argonovostal’s mausoleum where he sets the skull upon the pedestal. Nothing. No re-appearance of the dragon, no secret door opening to reveal the fortuned artifact to help the fight against Strahd. Yet as we leave the crypt, we notice the beam of light shining forth like a lighthouse beacon sweeping across the valley. It provides an protective aura for all (+1AC and +1 all saves).

And now its Xoji’s turn to lead us into the castle, up the stairs to the 3rd floor throne room where the undead King Vladimir Hornguard sits upon the throne. And there drapped around his neck is a platinum amulet embedded with a large crystal in its center. The “Holy Symbol of Ravenkind”.  Also of note, a +2 greatsword.

With daylight still available, we follow the road north then east then south toward the ruins of Berez. Davin the winemaker’s spies had told of one of their magic gems being seen here. Shaped like a pinecone…rumors a wizard had commissioned its theft. But Berez is nothing but abandoned houses obscured by a black cloud of flies. “Anyone else see that light across the river. Flashing as if someone is signaling us over.” While the waters are slow the river is 120ft wide. Which has Kassimer plucking the last patches from the “Robe of Many Things”: four potions of healing and another 24ft ladder, but no boat.

Domine removes his armor tying his shield in the middle of the ladder that he then pushes across the river. Landing downriver of the light he has to work his way back. Meanwhile Xoji braves the water snorkeling his way across. Large rocks stand as pillars arranged in a circle (Stonehenge);  a woman holding a dagger and lantern beckons us forward. Murial Venshaw is one of Davian’s spies. She tells of an ancient hag, Babalasaga, occupying the ruins. “Beware. She has scarecrows as her lookout guards. And I’ve seen her flying around on a giant skull.”

We cross the river to rejoin our allies, then stealthfully follow the river bank to get closer to the mansion to the south. A crude wooden pen placed in the mansion’s frontyard corals goats. But a lone scarecrow blocks our approach. Well, it did for a little while. Until it became a burning bonfire ending our stealth. With more scarecrows approaching from the village center, we enter the ruins of the mansion. With walls collapsed, it’s not like we had to open a door. And inside we are confronted by a ghostly giant-of-a-man, “I’m am burgomaster Olrik. Begone from my abode. Begone I say!”

Monday, September 5, 2016

Entry 17

We'd fled the castle seeking a long rest at our windmill to the west. Surprise that Strahd left us undisturbed; is he that confident of his power or our weakness? In the morning we return to the castle finding the draw-bridge still down and the portcullis open. We send Esmerelda in her wagon to take Gertruda back to Barovia to her mother, Mad promise hopefully fulfilled. Although we know Strahd could retrieve her anytime. As for us, we enter the castle determined to find the dragon skull.

There is much of the 1st floor, north wing unexplored. So we enter the front doors, down familiar halls, to the chapel but fail to find any secret doors. But we do note the broken stained-glass window Esmerelda had used in her escape weeks ago. And thru it, we see an outside door to the west-wing. Inside we find a kitchen, servant quarters, and steep stairs up. But no access to the 1st floor space we known exists.

So we climb the stairs entering a room with 3 tall broken mirrors, and a secret panel behind one. A 20ft ladder propped against the inner wall leads to secret trap door. Caution rules as we retreat to the chapel to take known stairs to the 3rd floor. We eventually find a room with a trap door on the floor. And a secret door that opens into a tower. Narrow stairs without railing circle the inner perimeter. But most disturbing is the red glow from above and the pulsing energy that makes the source feel as if it is the heart-beat of the castle itself.

The pulsing grows in intensity causing the stairs to sway and jostle as if an earthquake threatens. We rush down the stairs avoiding a fall, finding an exit onto the 2nd floor. As soon as we enter the room a dress animates to dance around the room. We ignore it as we search. Another door opens to a chamber. A beautiful woman rises from a chair pleading, "Oh please save me." Xoji steps forward and thrusts his sunsword, "Don't let her looks sway you; her aura is evil." And the visage turns to that of an ugly witch, soon slain. Passage to the outer walls takes us to the northeast archer tower, where 3 vampire spawn fly in as bats and transform to attack us! Spells and blades versus claws and bites till they coalesce into mists and float out the arrow slits, back to their coffins (or where ever they rest). Too misty outside to visually follow them.

We've pretty much cleared the 1st and 2nd floors. We climb to the 3rd floor searching the empty archer tower. Floor by floor, one tower after another, we search in vain. We do come upon a well-dressed human who welcomes us kindly but Xoji is already advancing per his "Divine Sense." Blades and spells till the vampire jumps out an open window landing on rooftops below like an agile cat. Sent further on his way by ranged spells. We explore to find a bedroom that provides a short rest for Domine and Xoji as they attune to their newest magic items. Meanwhile Morthos has found a trap door in the ceiling of the closet. But again caution to climb sinlge-file into an unknown area. We take known stairs to climb.

At the landing, Morthos notes the portrait of a Strahd likeness to the right above a visible trap door. A rug lays on the landing before a door. As Morthos advances, the rug engulfs him. Him suffocating as we try to kill the animated rug without harming/killing our rogue too badly. Fire does the trick as the rogue has some immunity. But then the portrait comes to life with its hand motioning in a cast that Kasomir counters. The portraits curls in flames from more spells cast against it. We find the trap door is an access to the elevator shaft we found yesterday. An awkward setup for use of the elevator.

Behind the door is a lounge with cats lazed upon the couches. The adjoining room has shelves full of pickled ingredients (bat wings, centipedes, eyes of something, etc). But drag marks and footprints on the floor reveal recent passage. Trailing them we open the next door to find a cauldron bubbling in the empty room center. That is, till we enter the room, when 7 cackling sorceress appear as they cast. Morthos on the ground doubled-up in laughter. Blades and fireballs eliminate the threat. At least we find the other end of the trap door from the closet below.

And yet we still search for the dragon skull. Half our spells already used and its already noon. We need to exit before sunset. Where next?

Monday, August 29, 2016

Entry 16

Since we are in the castle we decide to explore. Maybe luck upon the dragon skull, clockwork man, or the fireplace per our fortune. We climb to the 2nd floor entering a web-filled long hallway. Stone-on-stone scrapping and a low moaning has us on edge, ready when the vampire swoops from the ceiling. Spells and arrows wasted on a mannequin, hung by cables, the scrapping sound was the mechanism pulling it along the hall. At least we take note of a secret door midway along the leftside.

We press forward to the double-doors entering a great hall with a wooden throne atop a marble diaz. A side door opens to reveal an accountant chained at his desk. Imprisoned going on 20 years, not concerned we liberate a chest or two of coins (platinum and gold) and a magical book.

Back at the throne Morthos studies another secret door as Domine checks under a long carpet. Delay as the group has to kill the ‘Gibbering Mouther’ the cleric disturbed. The secret door opens to a long perimeter wall with arrow slits and archer towers. Dom finds a magical pair of boots. Stairs lead down to another archer wall, so we return to the throne only to encounter swarms of bats. Reluctantly we return to the secret door in the long hallway. It’s a room best described as the maintenance floor for an elevator. Gearbox, cables, and a lever to control the direction.

Maybe later; instead, we return down to the 1st floor chapel and the western stairs. Alcoves with helmed knight statues flank the entrance to the stairs, spiraling around a hollow central shaft. We climb continuously…no landings…no doors (obvious or secret)…until we reach the 8th floor. But it is only a 50ft walkway around the central shaft. At least Xoji finds a magical potion of water-breathing.

We climb down returning to the chapel and another set of stairs. Up to the 2nd floor where we find the back entrance to the accountant’s room. Up to the 3rd floor, more alcoves with statues. But when we shine a light upon them, they melt into swarms of rats! Beyond them, a steel door engraves with a king on his horse and packs of wolves. We enter to find dust, decay, and an oak table set with china and a wedding cake with only the brides’ figure…the male knocked to the floor. Morthos takes the magical lute and harp.

The adjoining room is a well-kept study with a blazing fireplace.  A luxurious rug covers part of the stone floor. Full bookcases. But most striking is the hug portrait handing over the fireplace mantel…exact likeness of Ireena! But we are already fixated on the fireplace, remember the fortune card reference to “a fortress inside a fortress behind fire.” Morthos  casts ‘Ray of Frost’ to extinguish the fire but doesn’t find any secret panel till Xoji lifts the fire-poker to help move the logs.

But Xoji cautions patience to search more of the floor before entering the expected vault. So in the next room we find a large canopy bed and a sleeping woman. Upon waking, she reveals herself as Gertruda…the missing daughter of “Mad Mary” back in Barovia. Dom gives her the one-eyed doll he has been carrying for so long. She vaguely remembers as she is under some kind of spell. Or at least she doesn’t remember much. Not see the water in the adjoining bathroom tub as the blood it is!

We return to the fireplace panel. Xoji and Morthos having to crawl for entrance into a 10x15 ft room. Coins scattered about the open chest, and a skeleton fallen against the corner wall, clutching a torch in one hand and his throat in the other, “Probably triggered a gas trap opening the chest.”

Morthos finds another secret door on the back wall. It only opens when Xoji puts the torch back in the sconce. As they enter a cobweb chocked room, the rest of us enter the treasure vault then enter their room. The secret door slamming behind us! Morthos burns away some webbing which reveals a side door for future consideration. Instead, we continue forward to double-doors that open into a circular windowed room. A silk rope dangles from the ceiling where it is attached to a bell. Outside the windows we can see the domed roof of the chapel. And Morthos finds another secret door.

An octagonal vault with  the ceiling painted a black background to an unfamiliar constellation of stars. But more intriguing…a large adamantine cube 20x30ft occupies most of the room. No doors or windows; only arrow slits thru which we can see piles of coins on the 1st floor and vials, gems, jewelry, and hardware scattered on the 2nd floor. We begin plucking patches off the “Robe of Wondrous Items”…a bag of coins, a silver coffer, 2 scrolls, a 24ft ladder, and even a rowboat and horse. Till we pull an iron door that we place on the fortress. And loot the place!

It’s now a rush to get outside to the portcullis and draw-bridge. “Dispel Magic” to lower the bridge and muscles to raise the portcullis. All the while fighting off a ‘Gelatinous Cube’ so we can climb in Esmerelda’s wagon and high tail it to the windmill.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Entry 15

Left off in the basement of the Wachter house. Tracks in the earthen floor showed many people going to a blank wall so they progressed that way. Attacked by skeletons that came out of the ground. After that brief encounter they found the secret door in the wall and opened it to find a painted pentagram on the floor with cloaked people sitting at the points. Dom already found evil books about summoning upstairs but noticed they were a forgery. They people around the pentagram were villagers that thought Fiona was able to summon something. Group killed them all. Other than coins and other valuables no magic items were found.

The group took the Mirror and left for Castle Ravenloft. Once they reached the crossroads that either lead down to the village of Barovia or to the Castle they found a black carriage sitting at the side of the cobble stoned road drawn by two black horses which puffed steamy breath into the foggy mountain air. The side door swung open silently. No driver though. As the group was already with Esmeralda’s wagon they went on their way. After winding their way through the forest and craggy mountain peaks they finally see the castle which reaches a height of around 360 feet. Twin turrets of stone guard a lowered drawbridge that spans a 50 foot wide chasm. Beyond the chasm is the 90 foot tall walls that surround the castle and courtyard. The bridge creaks and splinters as you all walk across leaving the wagon on the far side. Through the archway on the far side of the drawbridge and under a rusty raised portcullis you find yourself in the front courtyard. In front of you a set of open double doors invite you in to the lit warmth beyond. A quick scan around reveals no windows on the lower 90 feet of the castle but plenty of arrow slits. A stained glass round window above the doorway and a red roof of upper buildings. The courtyard extends around the castle to both sides as well but the group presses into the castle through the open doors.

Inside is a 20 foot square room with another set of double doors across from you. As you enter the other doors swing open. As you look around you see 4 dragon statues glaring down at you from overhead in this vaulted entry foyer. As you move through into the great entry, which is a large octagonal room, you see the following: Four columns supporting the vaulted ceiling, cobwebs stretch between them; torches in sconces lighting the room; eight gargoyle statues squatting motionlessly on the rim of the domed ceiling; cracked and faded ceiling frescos. Double doors of bronze across from you, a grand staircase to the right leading up, and a lit hallway to the right.

An elf with brown skin and long black hair descends the stairs. He says, “My master is expecting you”. With that he motions you down the hall to the right. The hallway is only 30 feet long but 20 feet wide. A door is on the right wall, a smaller hallway to the left and a suit of armor in an alcove stand just after the left hall. The elf ushers you into the door where you hear organ music coming from within. This is a dining hall with a very large organ at the back where a cloaked figure is playing a song. There are places set for each of you and after you enter, the elf leaves. The figure stops playing and turns to you and greats you. It is the devil Strahd. He converses with the group for a few rounds of general questions. After a few annoying questions he has had enough and he suddenly disappears. He says they have out-stayed their welcome. All the doors suddenly slam shut, the portcullis closes, the drawbridge raises, and all the torches extinguish.

The group looks around briefly then leave the room the way they entered. Once In the hall the decide to try out the armor. Someone wears it as it is a suit of plate mail. (I think it is Dom wearing it) They head back to the great hall and are attacked by the gargoyles. During the fight something cast a fireball from the stairs. Zoji heads up the stairs but sees nothing while others finish off the gargoyles. Up the stairs they find a room with 2 more suits of armor. Zoji inspects and is assaulted by one as it moves forward and slices at him. They find out they are only spring loaded traps, probably meant to scare. Two staircase head further up but they decide to clear the first floor first.

Back to the great hall and they decide to see if the dragons are real, They are and after a fight with them they now have a sort of clear escape route. Through the bronze doors that are at the start of a 70 foot hallway with another set at the far end. Though those they are now in a chapel at the back side of the castle. Broken stained glass windows and balcony above the entry are first noticed. Then an alter with a silver statuette on it and a slumped body next to it. The body has been burnt as if by lightning. The room radiates good as does the statuette. The group takes the statuette and the mace found next to the body, both of which are magical.

After fighting 2 zombies sitting on the thrones on the balcony the decide to take a short rest in the chapel. The only exits from the chapel are the bronze door they entered through. A door on the balcony heading back into the castle and directly above the bronze doors, and a large spiral staircase heading both up and down.