Sunday, May 22, 2016

Entry 1

Day -300+: Xoji and his band of hunters embark on a journey out of Daggerford in Faerun to search for a pack of werewolf killing livestock in small villages east of the town. While hunting, a mist arises and as it abates, they find themselves in a strange land but still hear wolves in the distance.  A trail is followed to a village called Krezk where the citizens not welcoming. Wolves can still be heard howling to the north.

The hunting party is attacked by wolves in the night and only Xoji escapes with his life, somehow.  He awakens some time later in a church.  The priest informs him that he healed his wounds after finding him washed up in the river. Ever since he has lived in the Village of Barovia awaiting more adventurers to help him.