
Player Characters

Domine'(Bill) - human cleric
Three years within the bland walls of the Helm temple, Domine had gained a new perspective of the world he lived in. While light led to bountiful harvests and scared away the spiders and cockroaches, it’s true purpose was to expose the evil that lurked within shadows. His calling was to confront such evil. Cleans the world such that man could find peace and joy in his works.

His spells would provide the light of direction, his mace the truth of faith, his beliefs and examples the foundations for others to stand tall.

 Morthos (Jonathan) - Tiefling rogue

Morthos has spent his years gambling, cheating, and stealing anything he could. He claims that locks just have a way of falling open when he is around. He spends his money as fast as he can find it.

While being chased out of town after being wrongly accused of cheating someone in a game of luck, he found himself in the camp of a priest and awoke in a strange land.

Xoji (Mark) - Dragonborn Paladin

As a proud member of the Delmirev clan of Daggerford, decedent's of the fabled red dragons, Xoji had long felt the need to uphold justice and righteousness. Devoting his formative years to the development of his physical skills with weapons and armor. The clan elder decreed that all the young dragonborn should concentrate their academic studies on the history of the clan, as well as the history of the world in general.

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