Fortune and Discoveries (Names, NPC, Places, Rumors)


Tomb (3 of Swords) Go to the mountains. Climb the white tower guarded by golden knights.

Holy Symbol (1 of Swords) The treasure lies in a dragon’s house, in hands once clean and now corrupted.

Sword (Master of Stars) Look for a wizards tower on a lake. Let the wizard’s name and servant guide you to that which you seek.

Strahd’s Enemy (Mists) A vistani wanders this land alone, searching for her mentor, she does not stay in one place for long. Seek her out at Saint Markovia’s Abbey, near the mist.

Strahd (Darklord) He lurks in the depths of darkness, in a place to which he must return.

Be wary of (Artifact) Be careful of a man with a monkey. This man is more than he seems.

Treasure (9 of Coins) Look for a fortress inside a fortress, in a place hidden behind fire. A secret door inside a fireplace?


Count Strahd von Zarovich: vampiric devil living in his castle atop the ridge.

Danovich:  cleric in the town of Barovia to give last rights to the Burgomeister

Doru: bitten son of Danovich                                                                            

Mad Mary and Gertruda: mother; daughter, apparently bitten and escaped her mother's confinement
 Vistani: the gypsies
 Madam Eva: a Vistani seer

Dimitri Krezkov: Burgomeister of Krezk


Ismark:  son of the Barovia Burgomeister

Ireena: bitten daughter of the Barovia Burgomeister


Gates of Barovia
 Castle Ravenloft: perched on the mountain ridge above Barovia

 Barovia:  region and name of this village
Xoji's map of Barovia

Blood-On-The-Vine: tavern
Krezk: western village on the outskirts of the 'Abby of Markovia'
Abby of Markovia: hopefully a safe place for Irena


About the Mists:
  1. A deadly fog surrounds the land and engulfs any creature trying to leave.
  2. Those who tread too far into it are never seen alive again, although their bodies found.
About Barovians:
  1. All Barovians are made of flesh and blood but not all have souls.
  2. There are no non-humans except outside adventurers trapped here.
  3. Outsiders are feared but many have been drawn here over the years.
About the Land:
  1. Wolves, dire wolves, and werewolves prowl the woods; not a place to be especially at night!
  2. Krezk to the west built around an old abbey. Its Burgomaster is Dimitri Krezkov.
  3. Time here is different. They use a lunar year 735.
  4. Wine is the lifeblood of Barovia...from a winery near Krezk.
  5. A mad wizard haunts the foothills of Mount Baratok. They say he is no friend of the vampire.

About the town of Barovia:
  1. The Burgomaster is Kolyan Indirovich. He has a son and daughter.
  2. Everyone locks themselves up at night. Once early on you saw a procession of spirits leaving the grounds near teh church and heading west. Did not go out at night again.
About Strahd:
  1. The lord of the land is Strahd.
  2. Strahd Von Zarovich is a vampire and lives in a castle high above the village of Barovia.
  3. It is because of him the land is cursed.
About Vampires:
  1. They must rest in a coffin.
  2. They can't enter a residence without invitation.
  3. Running water burns them.
  4. Sunlight, which there is very little of, burns them.
About the Vistani:
  1. They are gypsies that are said to be able to traverse the mists.
  2. They are said to serve the vampire lord.
  3. They can curse you so you should not cross them.
  4. There is a Vistani seer named Madame Eva that is said to be able to read ones fortunes.
  1. Never harm a raven, lest ill fortune befall you!

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