Thursday, October 6, 2016

Entry 18

We stand on the bridge leading to the taller “heart” tower. Now 80 feet above the courtyard, dark clouds are punctuated by random lightning flashes as strong winds rip at our cloaks. With slick stones and strong crosswinds, we cross the rail-less bridge in pairs, when a cackle from behind proceeds the horizontal lightning flash that hits Kassimer, Domine, and Xoji. Dom casts “see Invisibility” to find Strahd the culprit…who backflips over the side before flapping away in bat form.

Once again we enter the “heart” tower having to deal with its throb that threatens footing and balance. We race to the top to get closest to the heart dealing arrows and fireballs at it. Another shutter has Domine and Xoji knocked prone sliding near the inner edge and 190 foot drop. Xoji regains his balance just in time to grab the cleric sliding over the edge, when 10 swords (once decorations on the walls) animate and attack…Xoji defenseless with his hands full till he plants Dom on his own feet.

More reinforcements as 4 bats arrive transforming into vampire spawn who attack. Fortune as Dom’s “Helm of Brilliance” hinders the vampires (Disadvantage and automatic Radiant damage). Kassimer casts fireball as the cleric plucks opals from his helm to cast his own fireballs. Soon the animated swords and vampires as destroyed, then the heart that explodes into crystal shards that rain down inside the tower. And that’s when a thunderous voice from beyond screams in anger.

The shaking has stopped allowing an easy climb to the top where we find a small room filled with a wood-framed bed, empty manacles hanging along the walls, and a ladder propped up leading to a trap door on the ceiling. As Morthos climbs the ladder he notes movement within the rafters…a child. Yet closer inspection reveals it made of leather painted like a jack-o-lantern, whirring sounds suggests gears drive the thing. It is the clockwork man (Piddlewick) we were told of by Blinski. Morthos grabs the “man” bringing it down. “Great, now all we need to find is the dragon skull.” And that’s when Piddlewick gestures for us to wind him up as he apparently can guide us to what we seek.

It’s a 190ft climb to the base of the heart tower to stairs that descend even further down. Passage to a long room with 4 alcoves covered in lichen. In one alcove, Morthos finds a loose flagstone with a sack of electrum coins beneath. Entering further into the long room we notice blades embedded in the walls, the hilts broken off, as if an explosion drove the blades into the walls.

A side-door opens to a 30x60ft room composed of nothing but bones (human, animal, unknown). Walls, ceiling, floor, table, chairs, even a bone chandelier. Yet there, above the steel-banded double-doors, hangs a large dragon skull. At last! It’s time to leave. Uneventful as we work our way out the castle and over the draw-bridge to Esmerelda’s waiting wagon for our ride to Vallaki. Except when we arrive we have send thoughts of giving the clockwork man to Blinski.

Come morning, we ride on south to the dragon house with Morthos leading us around the back to Argonovostal’s mausoleum where he sets the skull upon the pedestal. Nothing. No re-appearance of the dragon, no secret door opening to reveal the fortuned artifact to help the fight against Strahd. Yet as we leave the crypt, we notice the beam of light shining forth like a lighthouse beacon sweeping across the valley. It provides an protective aura for all (+1AC and +1 all saves).

And now its Xoji’s turn to lead us into the castle, up the stairs to the 3rd floor throne room where the undead King Vladimir Hornguard sits upon the throne. And there drapped around his neck is a platinum amulet embedded with a large crystal in its center. The “Holy Symbol of Ravenkind”.  Also of note, a +2 greatsword.

With daylight still available, we follow the road north then east then south toward the ruins of Berez. Davin the winemaker’s spies had told of one of their magic gems being seen here. Shaped like a pinecone…rumors a wizard had commissioned its theft. But Berez is nothing but abandoned houses obscured by a black cloud of flies. “Anyone else see that light across the river. Flashing as if someone is signaling us over.” While the waters are slow the river is 120ft wide. Which has Kassimer plucking the last patches from the “Robe of Many Things”: four potions of healing and another 24ft ladder, but no boat.

Domine removes his armor tying his shield in the middle of the ladder that he then pushes across the river. Landing downriver of the light he has to work his way back. Meanwhile Xoji braves the water snorkeling his way across. Large rocks stand as pillars arranged in a circle (Stonehenge);  a woman holding a dagger and lantern beckons us forward. Murial Venshaw is one of Davian’s spies. She tells of an ancient hag, Babalasaga, occupying the ruins. “Beware. She has scarecrows as her lookout guards. And I’ve seen her flying around on a giant skull.”

We cross the river to rejoin our allies, then stealthfully follow the river bank to get closer to the mansion to the south. A crude wooden pen placed in the mansion’s frontyard corals goats. But a lone scarecrow blocks our approach. Well, it did for a little while. Until it became a burning bonfire ending our stealth. With more scarecrows approaching from the village center, we enter the ruins of the mansion. With walls collapsed, it’s not like we had to open a door. And inside we are confronted by a ghostly giant-of-a-man, “I’m am burgomaster Olrik. Begone from my abode. Begone I say!”

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