Monday, October 10, 2016

Entry 19

Despite the specter Olrik’s insistence of our departure, we consider exploring his cellar. But the stairs are blocked with rubble causing us to reconsider. We exit the ruins to confront the scarecrows gathered in the town square. Morthos advances first to gather them in a tighter grouping. ‘Fireballs’ cut their numbers in half. “Look east; something else advances!” It’s a walking treehouse with some white thing flying around it. Remembering the ravenkind (Murial Venshaw) spy’s words, we assume it's the hag Babalasaga inside her protective dragon skull animation.
        As she draws closer, she casts causing the ground around us to erupt with black tentacles that whip and snare us. We are distracted trying to free ourselves while also attacking her and her mobile-home. It is the elf Kassamir who is targeted by a small boulder thrown by the tree. Which encourages Domine to cast ‘Dispel Magic’ to remove the tangle of tentacles. But he fails. While most escape the entangling area, the elven caster falls from the tentacle wounds.
        At least the flying skull falls from all the ‘Fireballs’ cast its way. Which allows Morthos and Esmerelda to advance on the huge tree. And Domine to cast ‘Healing Word’ to revive Kassamir at a distance, while healing Morthos being pummeled by the tree. As Xoji advances on the down skull protecting the hag, Esmerelda scores multiple critical hits on the tree. Combined with Morthos’ deadly flanking (sneak attack), the tree soon falls as the hag is silenced with more ‘Fireballs’.
        We explore the downed tree-hut, freeing a score of ravens trapped inside two iron cages. The small room holds a table with stool, wardrobe closet, barrel chest and a baby bed aglow with green light emanating from the floorboard beneath it. Domine and the vestani Esmerelda fixate on the crib holding a small child with an angelic expression. The crib carved with the name “Strahd.” Domine lifts the babe only to see it fall back into the crib; scolded by the vestani for being so careless. But the cleric quickly reasons the crib and babe only a ‘Programmed Illusion’. Thus he taunts the woman, “The babe rejected me. He must want to suckle your teets.” Which earns the cleric a scowl. And backhand when he confesses the illusion.
        Meanwhile Morthos has pried up the floorboards finding the pinecone shaped gem we sought for the winemaker Davien. As for the chest, the rogue is cautious per the glyph warding till the cleric ‘Dispels the Magic’. Inside the chest we find gold coins, precious gems, and an assortment of magical items (vial, scrolls, sling bullets, haunting pipes, spell book, and a ‘Luck’ stone).
        Before we leave the ruins of the village, we pause at the monolith raised in the town square. The stone carved with the likeness of a child holding a rose. The child image the likeness of Irena. The inscription, “Marina, taken by the mist.” We cross the river to rest within the protective aura of the Stonehenge as we confer with Murial and attune to the magic items.
        Along the return to Kresk, we stop at Esmerelda’s tower beside the lake, finding Rictavio’s wagon parked before it. An angry vestani storms into her keep to confront the trespasser, but soon bursts into joy. The carnival ringmaster is none other than her vampire-hunting mentor Von Richten. [Great! Now we can let these two get about their business of dealing with Strahd as we gather the treasure we’ve collected, and await the fall of the mist that will allow us to return home. Oh. Never-mind. It doesn’t work that way.]
        We drive on to Kresk to deliver the wedding dress to the Abbott. Then off to the vineyard to return the pinecone gem to Davien. In the morning we travel the roads south into the mountains following Kassamir’s quest to seek clues of his sister. [It doesn’t hurt that the rumored book of Strahd is in the same direction.] The weather turns wintry, evident as we come upon a frozen river with icy cliffs. Across the snow-covered bridge, a high black-stoned wall blocks the path. Spikes line the walls discouraging climbing while demonic vultures rest atop the walls. A gate splits the wall but is blocked with a lowered portcullis and green flames.
        When Morthos approaches, the portcullis rises although the flames remain. He dashes thru the flames, patting out the smoldering fires on his clothing. “Nothing to it.” Domine reasons better as he approaches to cast ‘Dispel Magic’. With the bars raised and flames gone, Esmerelda drives her wagon thru the gate along with the other party members.
        Inside the gate, Morthos pauses before the door of the watch tower to the right of the road.

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