Monday, June 27, 2016

Entry 7

Now what the heck is a carnival wagon doing parked behind the general store? And of more concern, what the hell kind of beast is inside? "Rictavio's Carnival of Adventures" is a must see as Xoji has ideas to buy the wagon to ease our travels along the roads.

More intrigue of characters within the local inn. Drunken upper-class snots, two gruff hunters willing to be hired as guides, and of course the inn owners and operators. Hours to listen and learn more rumors and tales particular to this little town.

And then to chance upon the toy store with a doll the EXACT replica of Ireena. "Sold" at the flash of 10 gold coins. And then the appearance of a monkey! Didn't the fortune reading from Madame Eva say something about such man?!

The Carnival Master
The wolf hunters

Erwin and Danica, the inn owners
Gadof, the toy maker

From what Xoji's has noted, and additions from the hunters, our map grows in details:
Xoji's map of Barovia

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Entry 6

Day 6: We awaken to a clear day, allowing the rescued children to ride in the push-cart. Hours descending into the valley along the 'Old Svalich Road' before reaching a wooden palisade with iron gates and a half-dozen pikes flanking the gate...wolf heads impaled on the pikes! 

Anxious to drop the children off, we head to the church only to get drawn into the search for a missing relic...the sacred bones of St. Andril...which provide sanctuary for those within the church. Well did, before they were stolen!

Entry 5

Day 5: It's a restless night in the Vistani camp, sleep disturbed with dreams of Strahd and his unholy minions. Morning rain slows our progress toward Krezk. Delayed more when a skeletal horse and rider emerges from the mist ahead on the road. We work together to lay the poor soul to rest.

Hours along the road in a slow climb to the bridge spanning a gorge and 1,000ft waterfall. Gargoyle statues guard the bridge ends. Another hour sloshing thru the rain before huge gates block our path...we've seen the likes of this wall and gates before. Headless stone guardians and gates that creak open inviting us entrance, closing behind us.

More rain-soaked walking hours before we come to a fork in the road. We go left assuming this path descends to the valley and the village of Vallaki. Instead it ends at a dilapidated stone windmill. Infested with a coven of night hags!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Entry 4

Day 4: We prepare for the long journey west escorting Ireena to safety at the 'Abby of Markovia' in Krezk. Stopping along the way to have our fortunes told by the gypsy Madame Eva.

Day 3: With the spirits of the children laid to rest, we continue searching the basement finding the "Monster" the kids spoke of. Seems the misguided cult was worshiping an ancient creature as their aberrational spirits chanted, "Lor Goth the Destroyer, we awake thee." But we were able to destroy it instead so we could continue to the church to help Ismarck and Ireena lay their father to rest.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Entry 3

Day 2: The day starts dim and misty to no one’s surprise. A quick meal and the group of 3 makes its way to the church following Ismark who left earlier.  Once they reach the middle of the village, they see two small children down the road to the right.  The children ask for help to rid their home of a monster that is in the basement.  Xoji instantly moves to help them, looking back to the others who (after nodding at each other) decide why not.

{Level up + one inspiration for all + one to Mark.}