Monday, June 27, 2016

Entry 7

Now what the heck is a carnival wagon doing parked behind the general store? And of more concern, what the hell kind of beast is inside? "Rictavio's Carnival of Adventures" is a must see as Xoji has ideas to buy the wagon to ease our travels along the roads.

More intrigue of characters within the local inn. Drunken upper-class snots, two gruff hunters willing to be hired as guides, and of course the inn owners and operators. Hours to listen and learn more rumors and tales particular to this little town.

And then to chance upon the toy store with a doll the EXACT replica of Ireena. "Sold" at the flash of 10 gold coins. And then the appearance of a monkey! Didn't the fortune reading from Madame Eva say something about such man?!

The Carnival Master
The wolf hunters

Erwin and Danica, the inn owners
Gadof, the toy maker

From what Xoji's has noted, and additions from the hunters, our map grows in details:
Xoji's map of Barovia


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  2. Dom...Thankfully no more vampires interrupt our return to the church with St. Angril's bones. After healing by father Leuschen, we go shopping for needed silvered weapons and Morthos' armor. Bartering with the husband/wife Gunther and Elana, we also learn about a half-elf who owns the wagon parked to the rear, "Rictavio's Carnival of Adventures"; Xoji considering bartering for it while also curious of what beast it holds for all the snarling and snorting within. Elana freely gossips about a "Lady Fiona Wafter, no one more outspoken against the Burgomiester than herself. Lives up the road, old estate house, with her two sons Karl and Nickoli. Mad daughter." Upon leaving, needing a day for the smith work to be completed, Morthos hangs back to spy upon the man who's been following us since we left the church.

    The rest of us seek food and drinks at the local tavern, "Blue Waterfall". Danica runs the bar while her husband Erwin cooks and serves. Xoji sits at the bar to strike up conversation with the carnival master Rictavio, while Ismark and Ireena find an empty table amongst the assortment of patrons. Two well-dressed men seem to be the obnoxious drunk sort, whom Xoji quickly surmises to be the sons of Lady Fiona. Xoji calls out "Karl" who turns to ask who the stranger is. Morthos returns, and noting the drunks, joins their table for games of chance. Easy winnings that the rogue shares with the crowd, buying all rounds of wine. Two other gruff men turn out to be local hunters; Szoldar and Yenni gathered the wolf heads uses in the latest festival. They are available as guides if needed, telling of the heavily wooded road to Krezk. And they also mention that town sealed up, "Gates closed to all no-residents." Well that complicates our plans to take Ireena there. How do we get her in?

    It's a long night at the bar with Karl and Nickoli getting looser with their tongues. "Our beautiful sister was supposed to marry the baron's son Victor. But that sniveling snot did something to her. Rejected her. She's now mad, crazy mad. Yeah, we've seen the purple flashes at their mansion. Damn baron and his short-tempered henchman Izaac. Damn brute...monstrous right arm from which he conjures fire."

    From the hunters, we learn more rumors:
    1. A haunted mansion west of town, "Where a dragon died long ago." Sounds like one of our fortune card clues.
    2. An abandoned village to the south, "They pissed off Strahd."

    We close the bar paying from an upstairs room, 4 bunking it with one always on watch. Morning breakfast and negotiations for 2 bedrooms, with Erwin offering free room and board if we can get his overdue wine shipment delivered. And that's when Ernst (the man Morthos followed yesterday) walks in to deliver a sealed letter. A dinner invite from Lady Fiona. Something to consider, but first we check in at the church to confirm all is well. Then off to the Burgomiester's manor by way of back roads. Pausing to checkout the colorful shop of weird toys. "Gadof - wizard of tiny wonders, 'Is no fun, is no Blinsky." Headless dolls, bat mobiles to hang on baby cribs, "fun" paintings of wolves chasing children. Then Xoji spies a normal doll...the EXACT likeness of Ireena! We soon learn the henchman Izaac commissioned the doll, regularly stopping in to point out facial changes. Xoji offers to buy the doll which Gadof rejects for concern of Izaac's temper, till ten gold is flashed, "Sold! I can make him another." And that's when the monkey climbed to Gadof's shoulder. Another fortune card clue, "Beware the madman with the monkey."
