Saturday, July 2, 2016

Entry 8

Not sure what we were expecting for our visit to the Burgomiester's manor. Especially coming armed with the doll sure to inflame the henchman Isaac. After introductions and history of the house handed down from his father, we get the grand tour. And casual news his butler and chamber-maid are missing, weeks now. We brace ourselves for the appearance of Isaac who will provide clues of the missing. But while he sees the doll atop Xoji's backpack, not a word. Till we finally exit the manor.

Maybe it's the calming influence of Xoji, but Isaac holds his anger. Even tells us how the details of the doll came from years worth of dreams. "I feel a bond with her, as if related." Yet he lets us go with doll in hand as he turns to confront Blinski who has sold HIS doll.

Hours till the appointed diner with Lady Fiona, we stop to pickup our silvered weapons then trek outside town to the northern lake to gain perspective of the reported wizard. A lone fisherman casts his line upon the clam waters, too far to hear our calls, although we can hear him talking in slurred voice. So we row toward him (Xoji still in armor while Domine left his ashore). When he spots us, he drops his line to fumble with something within his small boat. When we see him lift a 4ft long bundle and toss it overboard, Morthos questions, "Did anyone else think it moved as if someone wrapped inside?"

As Xoji and Morthos hasten their rowing, Dom casts "Enhance Ability" as he readies to jump overboard. As the cleric brings the bundle to the surface, Morthos casts "Sleep" upon the fisherman trying to escape. A girl coughs water as we open the bundle. Arabell, from the Vistani camp outside town. Ashore and with the drunk tied up, Bluto tells how she was his offering to the gods, "Haven't caught anything for weeks. Everyone knows Vistani bring luck, I was hoping she'd change my fortune."

It doesn't take Madame Eva to tell his fortune as we enter the gypsy camp. Arabell rushing to her father's arms. Her older brother Alexi recovering from the whipping having let her wander off. A grand welcoming and reward offer. Easy conversation to our barrage of questions about Vallaki and the surrounding lands.

Then our curiosity peeked to the presence of "Dusk Elves" hired as their guards. Conversation with their leader Cassmir, who soon leads the talks to his own musing. His sister Patrina taken by Strahd now comes to him in dreams, speaking of the Amber Temple "...the secret to breaking his pact is located there." As we think another rescue has been added our 'plate', Cassmir laments how she died long ago and is now in the catacombs beneath castle Ravenloft.

1 comment:

  1. Dom...Strange to find a stream of people carrying bundles of twigs to the baron's manor, piling them high within the foyer. Preparations for the coming "Blazing Sun Festival", you'd think they'd pile them in the town square. Here, they are a fire threat as if an errant spark could set the house THERE would be your "Blazing Sun"! For all the city grumbling about the baron, I'm surprised by the baron and wife Lydia's lax manners within the house. The ease at which they welcome strangers and willingness to give a grand tour of the house. Hopefully Morthos isn't getting crazed ideas of burglary...taking note of the two huge mastiff dogs at their master's side. Upon mention of sightings of purple flashes coming from his house, the baron acts innocent, blaming his son Victor, "Is he up to no good, again." Again? Yet as we tour the floors, no sign of the son, maybe holed up in his room or attic. But the baron does lament about missing staff. His butler and wife's chamber-maid gone missing. I'm not sure if his laments are for the people missing, or the lack of staff to tend his personal needs. So we offer to investigate, which brings us downstairs to the dining room for sandwiches as we await Isaac who may have details. Just who Xoji wants to see. Then disappointment he doesn't get the reaction expected from the brute.

    He leads us to the servant quarters where Morthos finds a pouch of coins within the butler's locker (we later learn now missing; hope Isaac didn't see the sleight-of-hand) and personal items of the maid still in place. Not the goings of a couple run off for marriage. Other staff tell how the maid started morning work as normal but came missing by noon. Then days later, the butler at work thru the evening but gone before his chores to aid the baron retiring for bed. Queer indeed. Victor "up to no good", Fiona's daughter to be wed suddenly turned mad. Purple flashes. Were there flashes during the days these servants went missing? Just what is Victor doing up in that attic?!

    Isaac waiting for us as we leave. But calm. Not the confrontation expected as foretold by the villagers witnessing his brutality. He tells of the years worth of dolls he's had Blinski craft. Ever refining, changing the facial details per his dreams. "I feel related and a bond to her." I note similarities: Ireena adpoted when found alone in the woods; Isaac also orphaned, unsure of his prior life. Could there be a relationship? Fortunate as we go our separate ways. Time to pick up our silved weapons. Hours before the appointed diner; so, we travel out of town to the lake just over the rise.

    3 rowboats dot the shore; another far out upon the calm waters. Lone fisherman wobbling as if drunk, ignoring our calls although we can hear his slurred himself? We row out Xoji still armored while I take caution and remove my sinkers. When he notices our presence, he scrambles to discard a bundle. All queer and suspicious especially when Morthos thinks the bundle moves, which has us rowing faster and closer so I can jump in. A girl! Young Vistani. And a drunk thinking his "offering will bring me luck considering I haven't caught anything for weeks." Arabell leading us to her family camp outside town. More permanent residence with actual homes built around a hill, unhitched wagons circled in wait. A happy father offering reward, but the joyful scene is enough for me. An offered long night of celebration means we'll have to reschedule the dinner date with Lady Fiona. Noting empty 'Red-Wizard-Winery' barrels, I stupidly think these gypsies the cause of disrupted deliveries throughout the realm. The gypsy supply is also at risk; they too haven't received shipments.

    Then the conversation with Cassmir, leader of the "Dusk Elves." And his offer to aid us if we will aid his quest to free his sister's spirit locked away in the catacombs beneath Strahd's castle. More intertwining plots.
