Sunday, June 5, 2016

Entry 3

Day 2: The day starts dim and misty to no one’s surprise. A quick meal and the group of 3 makes its way to the church following Ismark who left earlier.  Once they reach the middle of the village, they see two small children down the road to the right.  The children ask for help to rid their home of a monster that is in the basement.  Xoji instantly moves to help them, looking back to the others who (after nodding at each other) decide why not.

{Level up + one inspiration for all + one to Mark.}


  1. GM...The kids lead then to a 4 story home with a wrought iron gate. With a description of the home and inhabitants, the adventurers enter the front doors to a foyer finding a nice shield on the wall. Another set of double doors leads to the main hall with a longsword above a fireplace at one end and a red marble staircase at the other. 3 Doors lead to 1) a den (held three crossbows in a locked cabinet), 2) kitchen and pantry with a dumbwaiter, and 3) a dining hall.
    The 2nd floor includes a large hall with two sets of double doors (library and a conservatory) and a single door (servant quarters). Xoji has a thought and decides to go back and speak to the children outside only to discover the mist has trapped them in the house. A false book in the library opens a secret door (small room with chest, a skeletal arm hangs out holding a note). From Strahd, it speaks of foul goings on that he is not liking. Also found are 3 spell scrolls, a will and the deeds to the house and a windmill. And books about fiend summoning but Domine realizes they are bogus.
    The dusty 3rd floor has many rooms and surprises. On the balcony a suit of armor animates as it is approached. Domine is hit so hard he falls unconscious. After a difficult battle the armor falls lifeless allowing Xoji to heal the cleric who heals himself. The rooms are searched...all clear except the closet where a broom animates knocking Morthos out cold. The other two beat up the broom. Sounds crazy but it happened.
    The final room was the nursemaid’s suite. Xoji pokes at a crib is in the nursery with his javelin...a loud scream comes from the main room, from which an incorporeal creature rushes out to hysterically attacks the group I will call the medix (Morthos, Domine and Xoji). They dispatch the Specter yet find nothing in the crib, begging some questions. How do we get to the 4th floor and where is the way to the basement were the said monster lives? Searching, they find a secret door with stairs going up but still nothing to a basement. On all floors there was a 5ft space that held nothing, weird!
    The 4th floor is also dusty and unkempt. 4 doors: 2 lead to spare bedrooms of no interest but a 3rd locked door reveals a children’s bedroom with two beds, two chest full of toys, and a dollhouse which is a replica of the actual house, and two small skeletons on the floor. After looking through the toy box, the two children from outside appear and ask that their toys be left alone.
    Xoji meanwhile inspects the dollhouse and finds a secret door in the 4th room on this floor that leads to the space on each floor that could not be accounted for. The party speaks with the ghostly children and learn their parents locked them in this room to keep them safe from the monster in the basement but forgot about them; the kids starved to death. The secret door in the final room leads to a spiral staircase going all the way down to the basement.
    From the earthen basement with 7ft ceilings, they can hear a loud wailing. Walking around they discover 6 crypts. 2 for the children, 2 for the parents, and 2 others that are open and empty. More searching reveals 9 sleeping chambers. Moving down a hallway Morthos falls into a spiked trap. Helped out, his injured leg healed, they look for a different passage. Just south of the crypts, they are attacked by a Grick hiding in the dark alcove of a dining-room. Another battle where someone falls (I think) prompts a short rest upstairs.
    Since upstairs, Xoji decides to take the shield and sword off the walls. He then asks the others to help him take the remains of the two children from 4th floor to the basement crypts to intern them. As he does and Domine says some holy words, the children’s faces seem to find peace.

  2. Dom...Thankfully the dragonborn sent an emissary to seek our help. While I've heard of this race, being confronted by one in this strange world might have gone differently. The ranger has been one of the few residents willing to talk to us. And his months locked in this world gives us a ready source of information besides Ismarck and his sister Ireena.

    Someone seems to be controlling this mist...a force that pushes us along someone's desired path. It feels as if this Strahd is testing us. Determining whether we are worthy adversary? Hopefully our new alliance of human, tielfing, and dragonborn has the mettle to answer the call. And earn our return to our own world.
