Sunday, June 12, 2016

Entry 4

Day 4: We prepare for the long journey west escorting Ireena to safety at the 'Abby of Markovia' in Krezk. Stopping along the way to have our fortunes told by the gypsy Madame Eva.

Day 3: With the spirits of the children laid to rest, we continue searching the basement finding the "Monster" the kids spoke of. Seems the misguided cult was worshiping an ancient creature as their aberrational spirits chanted, "Lor Goth the Destroyer, we awake thee." But we were able to destroy it instead so we could continue to the church to help Ismarck and Ireena lay their father to rest.

1 comment:

  1. Dom...From the black robes found upstairs and the note from Strahd, we've concluded cultists have been worshipping in this death house. The basement was infested with undead. Ghouls and ghasts rising from the dirt floors or busting thru the walls. Even a shape-changing door that takes a swing at Morthos trying to unlock it. The thief's hand grappled by the mimic which is able to grasp Xoji's blade. A tug-of-war before we finally slay the creature. By following the chanting, we find the worship room behind a partially flooded portcullis Xoji was able to lift. Aberrations hovering around us chanting, "One must die" then "Lor Goth the Destroyer, we awaken thee." But instead of an offspring of Strahd, we confront a putrid shambling mound. It is Xoji who stands in its way turning aside its deadly lashings with his blessed blade. Xoji's Slashes laced with Divine Smite, Morthos' bolts, and radiant damage from my 'Sacred Flame' and 'Guiding Bolt' spells eventually fell the beast. The house finally cleansed as evident by the mist lifting allowing us to continue our original mission.

    Shovels and prayers as we dig the Burgomeister's grave behind the church. Then set upon the path to escort Ireena to safety. It is the priest Danovich who suggests westward to the "Abby of Saint Markovia" outside Krezk. The absence of horses (except those of the gypsies) means we gather provisions for the 3-4 day trek. With his knowledge of the town, Xoji suggests a cover story. We are headed to Krezk to discover why the shipment of wine has stopped.

    And along the way, a stop at the gypsy camp to get our fortune told by Madame Eva. But why when suspicions suggest the gypsies are in league with the vampire Strahd? Only they have horses and seem to be able to pass beyond the mist...normal man chocks on the mist locking him inside this forsaken land. I rely upon my god Helm to determine my fate, but Xoji seems taken by these nomads...for it was the fortune-teller herself who advised the paladin of Morthos and my arrival. A spread of cards that foretell strength and weakness of our enemy Strahd while also providing hope in the form of an artifact and ally to combat the vampire.
