Monday, August 1, 2016

Entry 12

Krezk is a commune; thus, no inn for rooms. Which explains why we were welcomed into the mayors' house for the night to recover from the werewolves attack. Come morning our plan to address the missing winery gem...confront the druids at Yesterhill. But first a stop at the courtyard gazebo and pool so Domine can cleans his bite wound with the magical restorative properties of the pool water. When suddenly a figure rose from the pool calling for Ireena, "Tatyana, let us be together at last." Ireena drawn forward as she vaguely remembers a lost love, "Sergey, it has been so long". Ismarck restraining her for protection despite her pleas, "Sergy would do me no harm." The rest of us can only ponder, Tatyana? Maybe her true name before she was found abandoned and adopted by her Burgomiester father. Persuasion trying to convince her to stay away from the pool until we could find out more.

Hours on the road to Yesterhill. A chance discovery of a silvered vial of ink that is invisible when applied. Then discovery of a broken female statue at the road fork toward the winery. Overgrown with vines, the broken arm/hand clutching a leather pouch of coins. Yet when we detour to Davion at the winery, he knows of the abandoned statue but is surprised at mention of the pouch...not there before. We open the pouch finding 19 gold coins stamped with Strahd's image. Payment to someone or bait? Now treasure tucked away as we continue towards the druid camp.

Dark clouds and lightning strikes lead the way to the hill, rising 400 ft from the forest floor. A single path weaving toward the turn proceeding past stone rings ending at a cairn atop the hill that draws the lightning. The ring of black stones hundreds of feet across with  a huge 50 foot tall wooden statue occupies the center. Morthos leads the way as we hope his staff will aid his stealthy approach being ignored by any blight.
From a distance, we watch him enter the stone ring flinching as lightning strikes randomly.
Then his pause as he stoops to attacks something at ground-level. Unintelligible screams and a head rising give alarm to anyone and anything druid as the rest of us close to find Morthos battling a berserker druid that was resting within the ground, eleven others rising nearby (apparently they honor their god by sleeping underground). Domine and Cassamir cast "Fireballs" weakening the group as Morthos/Xoji/Esmeralda swing blades to kill the survivors. Once clear, we search for the winery gem shaped like a pinecone. Xoji pointing above to the heart of the wooden statue per his 'Detect magic' spell. Morthos climbs to begin hacking thru the branches that compose the structure, until he gives warning, "From the grove south comes a walking tree...huge!" We encourage the rogues' efforts to get the gem as we hope to hold off the newest threat.

As the Treant enters the cairn, we notice dozens of blight swarming alongside. Fortune Cassamir has spells left to blast them twice with "Fireball" till only the Treant remains. Branches swinging to attack those nearest as roots grapple Xoji/Esmeralda. Roots squeezing tighter, the two struggling to get free. Domine gives support casting "Prayer of Healing" to stave the wounds of his allies while Cassamir now relies upon his bow. A pitched battle against the unrelenting pruned tree, Xoji near death at 3HP when Morthos finally cuts thru to the gem and is able to climb down to join the fight distracting the tree from his weakened ally. A 'Magic Missile' blast from Cassamir finally topples the tree; fortune it falls away from Xoji.

A short rest is in order prior to any thorough search. Time to inspect the magical Battle Axe found stuck in the tree. And to search the tree groove where the Treant came from...a wool garment/cloak. Magical (Robe of Useful Items).

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