Monday, August 15, 2016

Entry 14

Outside the chapel was a cemetery and a mausoleum. Mausoleum had 4 alcoves, where "items once rested." Words were carved into the marble in draconic:
                Here lies the bones and treasure of Argynvost, lord of Argynvostholt and founder of the Order of the Silver dragon.

Seen a man looking at them from the third floor of the keep while in the cemetery.

Second floor: Mostly empty rooms and one trapped hallway where 7 Phantom warriors attacked. Also killed a smoke mephit from another fireplace.

Third floor: Lots of debris from collapsed roof. Room with an undead thing sitting on a throne. Another room with 5 more sitting at a table. Much conversation, too much to type. Vladimir was on the throne and Sir Godfrey at the table with 4 others.
Found a journal entry:

My knights have fallen, and this land is lost. The armies of my enemy will not be stopped by sword or spell, claw or fang. Today I will die, not avenging those who have fallen, but defending that which I love—this valley, this home, and the ideals of the Order of the Silver Dragon. The evil surrounds me. The time has come to throw off this guise and show these heat hens my true fearsome form. Let it spark terror in their hearts! Let t hem tell their stories of dark triumph against the protector of the Balinok Mountains! Let Argynvost be remembered as a dragon of honor and valor. My one regret is that my remains will not lie in their rightful place, in the hallowed mausoleum of Argynvostholt. No doubt my bones will be scattered among my enemies like the coins of a plundered hoard, trophies of a hard-won victory. I do not fear death. Though my body will die, my spirit will live on. Let it serve as a beacon of light against the darkness. Let it bring hope to a land wrought with despair. Now, to battle!

After finding a torn painting the group mended it and re-hung it which caused its magic to be revealed. The painting was of the mansion in better days. A beacon flashed a brilliant silver light from the top of the six story chapel tower. Then the image of a silver dragon filled the room and said “My skull lies in the fortress of my enemy, displayed in a place of ill omen. Return my skull to its rightful crypt, and my spirit will shine here forever, bringing hope to this dark land."
Searched the rooftop and then the tower.

Left and returned to Vallaki. Met with mayor and then Victor who told the group about the mirror which keeps the spirit of an assassin in it and then stole the dress. Proceeded to the Wacther house to speak to Fiona as there has been trouble with her and the mayor vieing for the town. The group suddenly attacked Fiona and her henchman while speaking to her. Domine cast hold person on her and she was easily killed as was the man. Searched her house and found her dead husband in her bed and her crazy daughter. Killed her too. Went into the basement and that is where we stopped.

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