Sunday, August 28, 2016

Entry 15

Left off in the basement of the Wachter house. Tracks in the earthen floor showed many people going to a blank wall so they progressed that way. Attacked by skeletons that came out of the ground. After that brief encounter they found the secret door in the wall and opened it to find a painted pentagram on the floor with cloaked people sitting at the points. Dom already found evil books about summoning upstairs but noticed they were a forgery. They people around the pentagram were villagers that thought Fiona was able to summon something. Group killed them all. Other than coins and other valuables no magic items were found.

The group took the Mirror and left for Castle Ravenloft. Once they reached the crossroads that either lead down to the village of Barovia or to the Castle they found a black carriage sitting at the side of the cobble stoned road drawn by two black horses which puffed steamy breath into the foggy mountain air. The side door swung open silently. No driver though. As the group was already with Esmeralda’s wagon they went on their way. After winding their way through the forest and craggy mountain peaks they finally see the castle which reaches a height of around 360 feet. Twin turrets of stone guard a lowered drawbridge that spans a 50 foot wide chasm. Beyond the chasm is the 90 foot tall walls that surround the castle and courtyard. The bridge creaks and splinters as you all walk across leaving the wagon on the far side. Through the archway on the far side of the drawbridge and under a rusty raised portcullis you find yourself in the front courtyard. In front of you a set of open double doors invite you in to the lit warmth beyond. A quick scan around reveals no windows on the lower 90 feet of the castle but plenty of arrow slits. A stained glass round window above the doorway and a red roof of upper buildings. The courtyard extends around the castle to both sides as well but the group presses into the castle through the open doors.

Inside is a 20 foot square room with another set of double doors across from you. As you enter the other doors swing open. As you look around you see 4 dragon statues glaring down at you from overhead in this vaulted entry foyer. As you move through into the great entry, which is a large octagonal room, you see the following: Four columns supporting the vaulted ceiling, cobwebs stretch between them; torches in sconces lighting the room; eight gargoyle statues squatting motionlessly on the rim of the domed ceiling; cracked and faded ceiling frescos. Double doors of bronze across from you, a grand staircase to the right leading up, and a lit hallway to the right.

An elf with brown skin and long black hair descends the stairs. He says, “My master is expecting you”. With that he motions you down the hall to the right. The hallway is only 30 feet long but 20 feet wide. A door is on the right wall, a smaller hallway to the left and a suit of armor in an alcove stand just after the left hall. The elf ushers you into the door where you hear organ music coming from within. This is a dining hall with a very large organ at the back where a cloaked figure is playing a song. There are places set for each of you and after you enter, the elf leaves. The figure stops playing and turns to you and greats you. It is the devil Strahd. He converses with the group for a few rounds of general questions. After a few annoying questions he has had enough and he suddenly disappears. He says they have out-stayed their welcome. All the doors suddenly slam shut, the portcullis closes, the drawbridge raises, and all the torches extinguish.

The group looks around briefly then leave the room the way they entered. Once In the hall the decide to try out the armor. Someone wears it as it is a suit of plate mail. (I think it is Dom wearing it) They head back to the great hall and are attacked by the gargoyles. During the fight something cast a fireball from the stairs. Zoji heads up the stairs but sees nothing while others finish off the gargoyles. Up the stairs they find a room with 2 more suits of armor. Zoji inspects and is assaulted by one as it moves forward and slices at him. They find out they are only spring loaded traps, probably meant to scare. Two staircase head further up but they decide to clear the first floor first.

Back to the great hall and they decide to see if the dragons are real, They are and after a fight with them they now have a sort of clear escape route. Through the bronze doors that are at the start of a 70 foot hallway with another set at the far end. Though those they are now in a chapel at the back side of the castle. Broken stained glass windows and balcony above the entry are first noticed. Then an alter with a silver statuette on it and a slumped body next to it. The body has been burnt as if by lightning. The room radiates good as does the statuette. The group takes the statuette and the mace found next to the body, both of which are magical.

After fighting 2 zombies sitting on the thrones on the balcony the decide to take a short rest in the chapel. The only exits from the chapel are the bronze door they entered through. A door on the balcony heading back into the castle and directly above the bronze doors, and a large spiral staircase heading both up and down.

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