Monday, August 8, 2016

Entry 13

Having cleared out the druids at Yesterhill, we stopped at the winery to pick up the rest of the Krezk shipment for delivery.

We awake the next morning to a joyous family reunion, the deceased son sitting at the breakfast table! The Abbott visited in the night resurrecting the boy "to restore the Krezkov bloodline." Enough suspicions for Xoji to 'Sense Divine' to confirm the boy not undead; a good deed by the powerful Abbott! Yet the next morning is a somber gathering. The mother distraught, "There is not enough material or skills within the town to meet his demands. Will he claim our child when we fail to meet his demands?" We quickly learn the Abbott visited again, "With your son back at your side, I require you to deliver a bridal gown within a month." Domine remembers the gown in Vallaki, "Fear not lady, we may know of a solution to the gown. But it may mean bartering with your neighbors." For our efforts, Xoji asks the town to build a villa for Ireena and to protect her while we are gone. For a clearer understanding, we climb the path to the Abbey of Saint Markovia hoping to learn dress details and see the Abbott himself (and opportunity to confirm firsthand the rumors surrounding the Abbey).
A 400ft climb up a switchback rocky path. An ominous feeling as the temperature drops as we climb, mists swirl, and even a dusty layer of snow colors the trees as we arrive at the rusted gates partially open. Then surprise and bewilderment at the startled guards (one letting out a "Eeyore" donkey bray) that arise from inside the gate.
A horrid creation of creatures - part human and animal mixtures, that Esmerelda identifies as " aberration that usually results in crazed beings." But these are actually conversant and agree to take us to the Abbott. Led to a courtyard between the two main buildings of the abbey compound. Scarecrows dot the yard, with sheds lining the inside - animal screams from within each, a well, and two posts - one with a chained skittish mongrelfolk continually squealing, "They're hunting me! Everywhere." Then Xoji checking out the well, curious if the water is blessed as the town shrine pool. Jumping back when a spidery creature emerges and attacks. Short-lived as hacked by Xoji and Morthos. And upon inspection, realization these creatures are sewn together.

We are ushered in to meet the forever-young Abbott lounging in a chapel dedicated to the 'god of dawn", string music echoing from above, and his auburn-haired bride sitting beside him. "Vasilka? Oh no, she will soon be Strahd's bride. The Morning Lord has guided my efforts; she is the key to freeing this land." She too another sewn-together creation. "I regret the mongrelfolk you've encountered. My early attempts that have led to her perfection. For them, I can only offer life whether imprisoned for their madness or as helpers here. The townfolk would only want to kill them."

We are given the tour of his abbey. A basement wine cellar with mostly full barrels and bottles, "I drink so little yet the townfolk continue to offer me barrels." The upstairs belfry is his workshop; a two-headed cloven thing expertly plays a violin with its clawed appendage.
His latest creation under wraps, removed to reveal the likeness of Domine! A double-take to realize the eyes deceive as this is created from female parts. Walking the ledge around the courtyard we enter the other building filled with song and laughter (from the sane mongrelfolk creations) echoing from the 1st floor. The verses, "The devil dwells in the dark house, tasting her sweet blood, then has to kill her." Outside the building we find garden plots. Back inside, "Upstairs? I avoid that place. It's haunted." Which is an invite for us to clear the rooms of the ghostly aberrations. Domine's "Channel Divinity" destroys most while magical blades slay the remaining.

We return to town with the Abbott's unused full wine barrels and bottles. That night receiving a sealed letter from the devil himself, Strahd. "It was I who brought you to this land and have enjoyed watching your endeavors. It is time we meet. Please, come for dinner when you can. I await your arrival." But we are in no hurry to confront him yet; so, we head to the dragon house in search of another fortuned aid to our cause.

Holy Symbol (1 of Swords): The treasure lies in a dragon’s house, in hands once clean and now corrupted.

With Esmerelda's wagon filled with wine barrels for Vallaki, we take the road east towards Vallaki before turning south into the hills. The fortress rises before us, a silver dragon statue standing before it facing the entrance.
Xoji climbs the steps noting the handles are carved as small dragons with an inscription over the doorway, "Argynvostholt". When he touches the door, a cold breath vents from the dragon statue. Inside we find tapestry of noble warriors and alabaster busts on pedestals arrayed around the room. Then a great shadow of wings crosses the walls...the ghostly dragon has made its presence known! We search the dusty rooms long abandoned. A great dining table and chairs with dragon clawed legs and folded wings for backing. When Xoji steps into the room, the fireplace lights and a fiery dragon elemental appears, "My knights have fallen into darkness. Show them the light." The room then growing dark and silent.

Wine barrels occupy the next room, along with a figure in hiding. From Casamir, "Savied, what are you doing here?" The young Vistani boy was out looking for Arabell, was attacked by twigs, and sought safety here. "This is the Order-of-the-Silver-Dragons. But Strahd's army destroyed the knights and ransacked this keep." We continue to explore after sending the boy outside to guard our wagon (and for his safety). A crumbled room with webbing and giant spiders. Then a chapel with arched ceiling and flanking spiral staircases. Three armored figures kneel before the altar. Then turn with glowing red eyes and attack! A long pitched battle with them healing from cast fire and slashing blades. Until we realize radiant damage stems their healing. Xoji's sunblade and Domine's 'Sacred Flame' swing the momentum. "What were those things?!" Revenants.

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